CT Scans
A Computed Tomography (CT) scan is a study that produces a series of images of specific parts of the body. The x-ray tube moves around the body part being studied as the table moves the patient through the scanner.
All CT exams are performed by Medical Radiation Technologists with specialty training in CT. Your physician will send your CT requisition to the Diagnostic Imaging department and our DI Office staff will provide you with your appointment time.
We offer CT scans at our Charles Street main site. Make sure to arrive 15 minutes before your exam and check in at the registration desk the day of your appointment.
Preparing for your CT scan
Make sure to drink 6-8 glasses of water starting 48 hours before every CT scan. There are specific preparations based on the type of the CT scan.
Abdomen and pelvis exam
Do not eat anything for 4 hours prior to your Abdomen and pelvis CT exam. You may have clear fluids and take all medications. Patients may be required to drink several cups of oral contrast for approximately 90 minutes before the scan, which allows us to create clearer images. Patients who have had a barium study (barium enema, G series, GI follow-through) must wait two weeks before a CT of the abdomen and/or pelvis can be done.
Colonography exams
You must take a special preparation before a colonography exam. Medication will be provided with instructions for patients who are scheduled to undergo this exam. Further preparation will be started once the patient arrives at the hospital. You should anticipate a 2 to 2 ½ hour exam time.
Musculoskeletal exams
Musculoskeletal exams of extremities require no preparation.
Neuroradiological exams
Neuroradiological exams of the head, spine, or angiography of the head or neck require no preparation.
Thoracic exams
Thoracic exams of the chest including tests for interstitial lung disease, pulmonary emboli and routine chest require no preparation.
Contrasts or dyes
We may give you a special dye to take, which creates clearer images that emphasize different internal structures in your body.
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