I am visiting as a patient
Masks are required in all areas of the hospital where patient care occurs, including patient rooms when visiting. This also includes patient registration and waiting rooms. Masks are optional in public spaces such as hallways, the cafeteria, and elevators. For some, masking at all times still makes sense. Patients, visitors, and healthcare workers are free to continue to wear masks at all times if they choose to. We ask everyone to respect their choice.
Brockville General understands that family and friends play a significant role in a patient’s comfort, security and in their healing process.
Family and friends can be active care members of the healthcare team or simply visit to have a social connection. We encourage you to spend time with your loved one or take part in their care guided by their wishes and our visiting guidelines.
How can you help keep your family, friends and neighbours safe while you are here?
- If you are unwell, have an infection, or flu-like symptoms, please do not visit.
- Limit visitors to two people at a time, to be considerate of others. If the unit has declared an outbreak, we ask you limit to one visitor at a time.
- Check in at the team station prior to visiting your loved one.
- Maintain physical distance from others.
- Wash your hands before, during, and after your visit.
- Children under the age of 12 must always be with an adult who is not the patient.
- Plan your visits to not interfere with tests, appointments with the health care team, scheduled therapy sessions, and recommended rest periods. Make sure the person you are visiting wishes to have visitors.
How can you participate in your loved one’s care?
- Care Partners are encouraged to attend during clinical rounding as well as patient assessment and treatment activities.
- You may bring food to your loved one. Please confirm they have not been put on a special diet as part of their treatment. Please do not leave food at the main entrance.
- Brockville General can facilitate phone calls for Care Partners who are further away to participate in decision making. Please speak with a member of the care team if you require this.
Self-screening for COVID-19, other respiratory illness, or communicable diseases
We ask everyone to self-screen for illness. Before coming to the hospital, ask yourself if you or your children have any of the following:
- A new or worsening cough
- Fever
- Chills
- Shortness of breath (worse than normal)
- Severe headaches (worse than normal)
- Unexplained muscle aches
- Unexplained extreme fatigue
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Rashes
If you have any of these symptoms or are feeling at all unwell, we ask that you not visit our hospital until you have been symptom-free for at least 48 hours (2 days).
Washing your hands
Washing your hands is the simplest way to prevent infections and illnesses from spreading in the hospital and to protect yourself from infections that can sometimes be caught in hospitals.
Remember to wash your hands:
- When you enter the hospital.
- When you enter a patient unit.
- When you enter a patient’s room.
- Before and after contact with your loved ones.
- Before and after eating.
- When you leave the hospital.
We recommend washing with soap and water or using the hand-sanitizer located throughout the hospital.
Brockville General is a smoke-free, low scent, and latex free environment
Brockville General is a smoke-free and low scent organization. Please avoid using scented products before coming to the hospital. Smoking is not allowed on hospital property.
Latex balloons are not allowed in the hospital, as some people may suffer severe allergic reactions. Visitors may bring Mylar balloons to the hospital.
Only low scent flowers and plants are permitted for patient safety reasons. Visitors are asked to check with the unit manager before bringing plants or flowers to the hospital.
Disruptive behaviour
Visitors who demonstrate disruptive behaviour will be limited in their ability to visit. Children who are disruptive or disturb other patients may be asked to leave.
Special requests
We understand that there can be exceptional circumstances that can apply to visiting a loved one. In this situation, please discuss your requests with the manager of the patient unit where your family member or friend is admitted.
We are committed to making Brockville General Hospital barrier-free for patients and their family members, staff, health care practitioners, volunteers and community members.
We welcome people with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal or support person on all our public premises. If your support person needs access to areas not normally open to the public, we will assess this on an individual basis.
Visiting hours and using the building
- While visiting hours are open, we encourage social visits take place between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
- Please enter the building through the main front entrance.
- Public washrooms are available.
- Family rooms and quiet rooms are available should the need arise.
- The Cafeteria is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- Eleanor's Café is open Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Saturday – Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- The hospital is healing and therapeutic space. To respect other’s privacy and treatment, kindly limit roaming through the building.
For some, masking at all times still makes sense; healthcare workers, patients, and visitors are free to continue to wear masks in public areas if they choose to.
Read more about parking and safety when visiting our Hospital.
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